Connections is a community based project whose goal is to support families, who are pregnant or have children aged 0-6, in the healthy growth and development of their children through cooperative efforts involving families, services and communities.
We receive both CAPC & CPNP funding. We began in 1993 with CAPC funding, and was the first funded project in Ontario. We began running CPNP programs in 1996. Our sponsor is ConnectWell Community Health.
Connections has 3 core CAPC programs (listed as available - below), and also provide Parent Education (such as Nobody's Perfect, Bounce Back & Thrive, Making the Connection, Wednesday Group), as well as Children's programming (such as School Readiness).
CAPC (serving Lanark County & the town of Smiths Falls):
- Birth Companion Program: The Birth Companion Program matches pregnant women, who are in need of support, with caring volunteers who can provide emotional support during pregnancy, labour and delivery for six weeks following the baby's birth.
- Family Support Program (previously known as Home Visiting Program): The Family Support Program provides support, education and a caring ear to families in our communities. The Family Support Workers assist the parent(s) in identifying their strengths, challenges, needs and successes of parenting.
- Parent Child Playgroup Program: The Parent Child Playgroup Program offers weekly groups, with healthy snacks. Parents are given the opportunity to develop friendships, share in group discussions, parenting workshops, and hear guest speakers. Their preschoolers have the opportunity to play with other children, learn new skills and have fun.
Leigh Gibson
Connections Project Assistant
613-257-2779 # 3100
Jane Coyle
Director of Mental Health Services and Connections
613-257-2779 # 2350